
Secure Your Wealth in Commodities

“If our nation can issue a dollar bond, it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good, makes the bill good, also. The difference between the bond and the bill is the bond lets money brokers collect twice the amount of the bond and an additional 20%, where as the currency pays nobody but those who contribute directly in some useful way. It is absurd to say that our country can issue $30 million in bonds and not $30 million in currency. both are promises to pay, but one promise fattens the usurers and the other helps the people.”

- Thomas Edison



Learning About Money


We are money, at least in the eyes of those that control our Economy. To them, we all live inside a Giant Piggy Bank and can be used and manipulated to serve their needs. Perhaps this is a peculiar analogy, but is does strike a valid point on our money system.

Knowledge is power. We believe to learn about how something works is crucial to using something.

Sure, using money is easy. You can earn money, spend money, accumulate money, and most certainly use money. But to know how money truly works is the means to your end to successfully conquer the money system.

Take power for yourself. Take the time to learn.



Money and Investing


A key part of learning is to spend time learning. This seems like a loaded statement. But the point is that time is money. Instead of investing in an investment blindly, we need to better understanding how investing in a certain investment makes “cents” (pun intended). You can take the word of your financial advisor and do what everyone else is doing and investing in. But will that put you ahead?

If anything, that will put you equal to the guy next to you doing exactly the same thing. We believe the key to an investment is to step outside the norm with practical and properly researched investing. Below are articles written about money, inflation, hyperinflation, coins, pennies, nickels, the money system, federal reserve, and more.

We write these articles because we believe education and spreading knowledge is how we can work together as a team to make money. We do this through the prosperity of knowledge and real investments that not only actually exist, but hedge against inflation and defeat the money system.


The Money System




Money and Coins


Wheat Cents Unsearched

Wheat Cents Unsearched

Search through unsearched wheat cents to find rare coins. Test your luck with our wheat pennies sourced across the entire country today!

Read More: Unsearched Wheat Cents

Copper Nickel Investing

copper nickels investing

Low-risk investing is wise for any long-term investor looking to have gains while preserving wealth. Nickels offer a great solution for low-risk tangible investing.

Read more: Copper Nickel Investing


pure copper scrap .999 copper bars

Industrial-grade pure copper provides traditional short-term, physical assets copper holdings. Invest in .999 pure copper bars or .999 copper scrap for commodity diversification.

Read More: Copper Bar Investing | .999 Copper Scrap

copper pennies
American Numismatic Association

Coin Collecting Enterprises BBB Business Review