Money System Failure: Governments Looting Bank Accounts

The situation in Cyprus is scary.

Governments looting bank accounts of depositors for the failures of banks is scary.

Governments regulating withdraws and access to depositors own funds is scary.

The lack of world recognition of the magnitude of letting this happen is scary.

The acceptance that if it is over 100,000 Euro then less people will be upset so looting can be gotten away with is scary.

The mindset that banks are a safe heaven for money, clearly, is inaccurate.

We hope the situation in Cyprus will lead to a broader recognition that the general public should have readily accessible and easy to understand information on the stability of the bank they have their deposits located within. If a bank holding a depositors funds is effectively a custodian, then that custodian must be held accountable for their actions.

Physical assets may become more the norm a lot faster than anticipated if people do not actively protest what has occurred in Cyprus as wrong, immoral, and inappropriate in every way possible.

We extend our sympathies to those in Cyprus for bearing the brunt of this new “bailout plan” without the democratic rights to say, “No, we don’t want any part of it.”

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United States National Debt

The National Debt

of the

United States


Total National Debt


The national debt of the United States has reached numbers that are overwhelmingly hard to fathom:

As of Debt Held by the Public Intragovernmental Holdings Total Public Debt Outstanding
10/12/2011 10,138,026,553,418.93 4,730,191,743,007.12 14,868,218,296,426.05


Taking a step back from actual total dollar value of the debt, there is another rather important factor to review. Perhaps, this factor is even more important than the national debt itself. Let’s review the interest payments on the national debt.

Interest Payments on the National Debt


How much interest is paid on the national debt? A lot. In fact, Take a look at the current total of interest expenses this fiscal year as of October 2011:

Interest Expense Fiscal Year 2011
September $20,261,955,550.76
August $21,613,820,400.21
July $26,645,554,967.44
June $110,536,850,221.63
May $30,858,726,707.77
April $28,895,123,159.28
March $24,460,282,823.69
February $21,759,253,957.26
January $21,122,729,715.18
December $104,700,174,845.03
November $19,396,316,137.56
October $24,142,491,931.22
Fiscal Year Total $454,393,280,417.03


The Hidden Problem with the National Debt


The United States has paid to the Federal Reserve, a privately owned central bank in charge of our money supply, a total of nearly half a trillion dollars in interest payments alone. Who is receiving that interest? The owners of the Federal Reserve. Who is paying those interest payments? You, the taxpayer. That is the hidden problem and hidden truth you are not supposed to know. You pay higher federal income tax to pay interest on debt that is pocketed by the elitist rich.

That is the real true nature of government debt in a country with a debt-based currency controlled and manipulated through a central private bank. Removing this debt-based currency in favor of a debt-free currency run by the government itself would mean saving half a trillion dollars per fiscal year. That’s a lot of money without any budget cuts or tax increases. This sounds like a political win for politicians in the eyes of the general public. However, it is political suicide for a politician in the eyes of the Money Changers, the people in charge of the Federal Reserve that hold the majority of the world’s wealth and do the most lobbying and contribution to those politicians’ campaigns. Perhaps it is time for a change in the sociological, political, and economic system of the United States.

Historical Data on the National Debt


Take a look at previous fiscal year interest payments historically and a rather intriguing quote on how the Federal Reserve manipulates both bull and bear markets, recession and growth:

Available Historical Data Fiscal Year End
2010 $413,954,825,362.17
2009 $383,071,060,815.42
2008 $451,154,049,950.63
2007 $429,977,998,108.20
2006 $405,872,109,315.83
2005 $352,350,252,507.90
2004 $321,566,323,971.29
2003 $318,148,529,151.51
2002 $332,536,958,599.42
2001 $359,507,635,242.41
2000 $361,997,734,302.36
1999 $353,511,471,722.87
1998 $363,823,722,920.26
1997 $355,795,834,214.66
1996 $343,955,076,695.15
1995 $332,413,555,030.62
1994 $296,277,764,246.26
1993 $292,502,219,484.25
1992 $292,361,073,070.74
1991 $286,021,921,181.04
1990 $264,852,544,615.90
1989 $240,863,231,535.71
1988 $214,145,028,847.73
“To cause high prices, all the federal reserve board will do will be to lower the re-discount rate, producing an expansion of credit and a rising stock market; then when business men are adjusted to these conditions, it can check prosperity in mid-career by arbitrarily raising the rate of interest. It can cause the pendulum of a rising and falling market to swing gently back and forth by slight changes in the discount rate, or cause violent fluctuations by a greater rate variation, and in either case it will possess inside information as to financial conditions and advance knowledge of the coming change, either up or down.

This is the strangest, most dangerous advantage ever placed in the hands of a special privilege class by any government that ever existed. The system is private, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people’s money. They know in advance when to create panics to their advantage. they also know when to stop panic. Inflation and deflation work equally well for them when they control finance.”

- Rep. Charles Linbergh (R-MN),

United States Congressman 1907 to 1917.


Truth. To properly use our money and live a life in a system based on debt, we must understand how the money system truly works. Read an in-depth look into our money system and the powers behind the United States economy.

All data collected was taken from

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“By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens”

- John Maynard Keynes

What is Inflation


Inflation is defined as a sustained increase in the general level of prices for goods and services. It is measured as an annual percentage increase. As inflation rises, every dollar you own buys a smaller percentage of a good or service. The value of a dollar does not stay constant when there is inflation. The chart on the right (click the image to enlarge it) shows what the U.S. dollar valued from 1913 to 2009. The value progressing over time is a comparison of the value of the U.S.


dollar worth compared to its original $1 worth in 1913. Meaning, as time progresses, the dollar is worth less. The dollar is observed in terms of purchasing power, which is the real, tangible goods that money can buy. When inflation goes up, there is a decline in the purchasing power of money. For example, if the inflation rate is 5% annually, then theoretically a $1 pack of gum will cost $1.05 in a year. After inflation, your dollar can’t buy the same goods it could beforehand. Why start at 1913? Simple. This is the year the private central bank known as the Federal Reserve took over the power of the money supply in the United States.

What is deflation


Deflation is a general decline in prices, often caused by a reduction in the supply of money or credit. Deflation can be caused also by a decrease in government, personal or investment spending. The opposite of inflation, deflation has the side effect of increased unemployment since there is a lower level of demand in the economy, which can lead to an economic depression. Central Banks attempt to stop severe deflation, along with severe inflation, in an attempt to keep the excessive drop in prices to a minimum.

What is hyperinflation


Hyperinflation is extremely rapid or ‘out of control’ inflation. There is no precise numerical definition to hyperinflation. Hyperinflation is a situation where the price increases are so out of control that the concept of inflation is meaningless.

When associated with depressions, hyperinflation often occurs when there is a large increase in the money supply not supported by gross domestic product (GDP) growth, resulting in an imbalance in the supply and demand for the money. Left unchecked, this causes prices to increase as the currency loses its value.

When associated with wars, hyperinflation often occurs when there is a loss of confidence in a currency’s ability to maintain its value in the aftermath. Because of this, sellers demand a risk premium to accept the currency, and they do this by raising their prices.

One of the most famous examples of hyperinflation occurred in Germany between January 1922 and November 1923. By some estimates, the average price level increased by a factor of 20 billion marks, doubling every 28 hours. Click the chart to the right to enlarge it to see more details and gain greater perspective on how severe these numbers truly are.

What is stagflation


Stagflation is a condition of slow economic growth and relatively high unemployment, accompanied by a rise in prices, or inflation. This happened to a great extent during the 1970s, when world oil prices rose dramatically, fueling sharp inflation in developed countries. For these countries, including the U.S., stagnation increased the inflationary effects.

To read the chart on the left and understand what the information means to the U.S. and world economy, you must first define what is being graphed. Click the chart to enlarge it.

M1 = cash and checking and deposits available in the U.S. economy

M2 = M1+ savings accounts and money market accounts that are small deposits (less than 100K)

M3 = M2 + large deposits and other large long-term deposits, such as CD’s (Certified Deposits)

Based on the chart above, you can see the collapse of the money supply in in the money system of the late 2009 due to the banking crisis. The money supply continued to fall until the bailouts of the major banks and insurance companies. Along with the institution of Quantitative Easing, which monetized government debt, injecting liquidity into the economy. The chart above shows M3 intersecting M1 and M2 downward, showing a large contraction in lending, stifling the money multiplying effect of Fractional Reserve Banking. M1 is on pace to reach pre-recession (depression) levels by year end, aided by the massive liquidity injection by the Federal Reserve Banking System and the U.S. Treasury.

The Federal Reserve


The Federal Reserve‘s action are simple; to inject enough cash into the system to prevent deflation. Take a look at the chart to the right (click the image to enlarge) at some of the fiscal policies like ‘the bank bailouts’ and its effects on inflation. Deflation is a dirty word in economies that rely on Central Banks and Fraction Reserve Banking. Because our economy uses Factional Reserve Banking, it insures that
the debt that is owed is always more than the money in existence. Therefore, you must have inflation of the money supply to pay the debt that is owed and the interest that is due.

The bad news is, it seems we have both! We are in a situation in which M1 is growing rapidly (around 13% yr/yr), while M3 is not surpassing 3% year per year. Prices of commodities have rapidly increased since the bailout policies, while wages seem to be falling. This seems to fit the description of stagflation which we last encountered in the 1970’s and the subsequent high inflation of the 1980’s. If the age old adage, “history repeats itself” continues to be true, then it is prudent to prepare for potential high inflation rates in the near future.

So what can you do? Protect your money. Whether keeping your money in currencies in the bank or at home, you are still at risk from the affects of inflation. The key solution is to look for trends in the market that money can be secured into that outpace inflation. Ideally, supply and demand principles are the most basic elements. Copper pennies are ideal as not only are you protected by the booms of the copper industry in bull markets, yet also reinforced by the fact there is a limited supply of copper pennies in existence. Copper pennies aren’t made any more, and as more are bought and pulled out of circulation, supply will decrease. At the same time, copper price must rise, even if due to inflation alone, causing more demand for copper, bringing an increase in demand. Reduced supply and increased demand means a trending higher price. This is but one example out there. Well-thought out researched logic is the key to beating inflation. As long as you stay within the confines of the money system and money supply, you will find yourself under attack from the inflation games of the Federal Reserve. How do you beat this game? Don’t play it. Hold onto something real that you can control, and beyond the reach of the Federal Reserve.

Buy Copper Pennies Today

When Hyperinflation occurs, a currency holds no value and loses buying power.




When a currency becomes valueless and people can no longer afford to buy things, people seek out a useful & tradable real asset.




Physical Commodities are a safe investment to protect yourself from the dangers of Hyperinflation

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Banks Change Regulation and the Metals Stock Market Crashes

Banks Change Regulation
and the Metals Stock
Market Crashes

“Did the Big Banks Manipulate the Metals Stock Market to Crash?”

Did you know that that a regulation change on commodity swapping on large trader reporting was temporarily abolished only four days before the metals stock market dropped and the commodities market crashed? The proof:

On September 16th, 2011 The U.S. Commodities Futures Trading Commission changed the entire regulation system to be effective on September 20th, 2011:

“The Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s (Commission’s) Division of Market Oversight (Division) today issued a letter providing temporary relief from the requirements of the Commission’s regulations regarding large trader reporting of physical commodity swaps (§§20.3 and 20.4). Because this is the first time that swaps data is being collected, this temporary relief is intended to provide sufficient time to enable both the industry and the Commission to develop and refine systems and processes that will be able to report these complex transactions.

On July 22, 2011, the Commission published large trader reporting rules for physical commodity swaps and swaptions. The rules require daily reports from clearing organizations, clearing members and swap dealers, and become effective on September 20, 2011. The letter issued today provides temporary relief from reporting, as long as parties are making a good faith attempt to comply with the reporting requirements, until November 21, 2011, for cleared swaps, and January 20, 2012, for uncleared swaps. Upon the conclusion of applicable relief periods, such reporting parties must become fully compliant.”



In words that make sense:


The big players that own most of the market in commodities are being trusted to operate ethically and correctly on “good faith.” Is not the purpose of The U.S. Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to protect the public from fraud and manipulation by these big players through continued regulation and reporting? Let’s read the mission statement of the CFTC:

“The CFTC’s mission is to protect market users and the public from fraud, manipulation, abusive practices and systemic risk related to derivatives that are subject to the Commodity Exchange Act, and to foster open, competitive, and financially sound markets.”



What happened in the Metals Stock Market:



The stock market drops 6% two days after the regulation change goes into effect. But the real damage was in metals.




Gold drops 11% over the course of four days. This is a hit of $200 per troy ounce. Gold, as a high desired precious metal in difficult economic times, should go up in a bad economy, not down. So what happened? Was the “Twisting” policy enacted by the Federal Reserve and Treasury cause for the U.S. dollar to become so stable that gold plummets in price? This would imply that the rest of the world was selling off gold too in favor of the U.S. dollar. Unfortunately, we are left to speculate on what actually happened until we can look back with all the appropriate numbers at a later date. Hindsight is 20 20 vision. We will know eventually what really happened.






Silver drops 25% in two days. 25% in two days! This is a hit of $10 per troy ounce. But take a step back for a moment to analyze this situation:

Regulations go away so we, the people, don’t know what the big players are doing as soon as they do it, causing a delay from when they act, us reacting.

Silver starts getting sold off, presumably by the big players, to start a trend of silver dropping in price from being sold off.

Silver was expected to be a huge power precious metal and rise in price dramatically. So why did the price drop? And why did regulations change right before the price dropped?





Copper drops from nearly $3.75 per pound (hitting a high of $4.50 not too long ago) to just over $3.00 per pound. this is a 20% loss.

But to sell something, it has to be bought.

So who is buying it up?

Without regulations, we do not know. Speculation would suggest the big players forced the price down, and then are the ones buying it up at a cheaper price.

How do big players profit from this?


On a downward trend cycle, they sell at the higher point of the downward trend. Then the smaller players continue to sell, thinking this is the right move, bringing the price lower. The big players then wait for the price to reach a point where they profit by buying it up. The big players then start buying, causing the smaller players to see this and think it is the right move to buy, so they buy too. This then drives the price up. The result: The big players sold first at the higher price, and bought first at the lower price, profiting from the difference, or spread, of the two figures.

This price drop is incredible and highly suspect of potential manipulation, which is not being regulated by the very group that is supposed to regulate to stop manipulation. The findings are disturbing. Regulations forcing these large traders to report their numbers do not take effect again until “November 21, 2011, for cleared swaps, and January 20, 2012, for uncleared swaps.”

Without proper regulating, we the people cannot properly audit this form of manipulation, which is known to exist. Though one could argue that though this manipulating of the market is known, but not understood by the general public. If it was understood, would it be acceptable practices by the general public? Is this form of manipulation fraudulent or just good business sense? The problem is that no one talks about it in a manner in which the general public, who are not economists, to know and properly understand it.

Conclusions & Speculations


The facts we know are that the big players who have the ability to do this kind of manipulation are JP Morgan Chase Bank, CitiBank, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs Bank, and the Money Changers that control these banks and the international banking money system. So the big players are the major banks that own the majority of the derivatives of risk in the market and also are known to control the Federal Reserve? This should not come as a surprise.

At this point you should take away only what you feel is appropriate to take away. No conspiracy theories have been presented; Only facts and speculations. You are encouraged to draw your own conclusions, do your own research, and, above all else, demand the truth from the Government Regulation Agencies that are here to protect you. Take a stand. You are not alone if you do not like this manipulated system. Why let the big powers manipulate prices downward so they can buy it all up cheap and then force prices upwards? Capitalize on commodities by securing your wealth in commodities.

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The Money System

The Money System:
Growing Up in a
Fraudulent Economy

“Who really owns our Money?”


How does our Money System work?


Money. We immediately think of dollars. But what are these dollars we consider to be money? A Federal Reserve Note creates what we know as U.S. dollars. These dollars are the most dangerous weapons in the United States, and potentially, the world. There are quite literally trillions upon trillions of these ‘weapons of mass economics’ between paper money and virtual money. Just like in a real war, the guy with the most weapons, generally wins. So who has the most guns? We grew up in this system of money so this is how we believe money is supposed to be. However, is there another way? Is this truly how an economy is supposed to function with money? Let’s discuss this in greater detail.

The Federal Reserve


federal reserve note

Did you know the Federal Reserve in the United States is a private company owned by private individuals and is an autonomous, independent figure, separate than the United States government? The Federal Reserve states that it is not privately owned. Read between the lines of their ownership statement and it is obvious that the central bank is actually owned by private individuals through other banks by law and regulation manipulation. The claim is also that the Federal Reserve does not operate for profit. Yet with promised private dividend payments and exclusive private stock options, this is a highly interwoven complex system that appears as public yet is clearly private. After all, how can those dividends be paid out if the Federal Reserve is not generating income, and looking at the United States federal government interest payments on the U.S. deficit shows just how inflated those payments truly are (source). This means the entire money supply of the United States is produced and controlled by a very select few rich elitists that own the Federal Reserve (through ownership of the banks that own the Federal Reserve) completely separate than elected Congressman, and, as a result, have sufficient unlimited funds to lobby for their choice of Congressmen to elect to the United States government at all positions. Ever heard the saying that 1% of the world population own the majority of the world’s wealth? Well these people, commonly referred to and known as ‘Money Changers’ are not the 1% rich elitists of the population, but rather the 1% of the 1%. One particular well-known family belonging to these Money Changers is the Rothschild family.

The Money Changers


Money Changers being exiled

‘Money Changers’ is a name passed on since Biblical times for the what we now know as the international bankers that control the central banks of the world we now live in. Note that though we have depicted an image based on Biblical times, the reference is to illustrate the importance of the story, not the religious implications. The key to take away is that the Money Changers have been around for centuries, conspiring and deceiving, dating far enough back to be seen in Biblical stories. These Money Changers make their living by manipulating society through accumulated wealth to utilize their choice of currency as a means of

medium of exchange and charge a premium to acquire that medium of exchange, known as money.

This may sound complicated, but really it is not. If you have wealth that people desire, you can utilize that wealth by giving it to a few unique leaders, and through those leaders, convince the general population to use your choice of money. Since you have independent control of that money, you can manipulate the use of it by the general public to meet your own investment needs. For example, if you want a recession to occur, you’d simply remove money from circulation. Less money means less buying power by people, and therefore people spend less and buy less. When people buy less, a recession occurs as the economy has less money circulating through it. These Money Changers then force prices down, in which today, we know as the stock market. When prices are lowered, the Money Changers buy up the stock (after all, the market can’t drop if people are not selling stock, and you can not sell something unless someone is buying it). Once the Money Changers buy up the stock at lower prices, they manipulate the market by producing more money into society, increasing buying power, which makes people spend more, making prices rise and the economy grow. This raises the stock market. So what happens? Stocks go up from small companies to large companies, food commodities like corn to metal commodities like copper. The key is that the stocks that the Money Changers bought goes up in value, and therefore, generate wealth. This is a factually known manipulation that has gone on for centuries and is kept secret for the general population for very obvious reasons. This control of the money supply is through central banks.

Central Banks


A central bank, is a privately owned and controlled company which has a monopoly on the entire money supply of an economy. These central banks focus heavily on manipulating banking regulations of the country they reside in to suit their needs. The first major central bank to successfully control a government is the Bank of England, which formed and officially took power in 1694. The Federal Reserve, though very government-sounding, is a private company in the United States that took power in 1913, contrary to the wishes of the general public. These private companies, called central banks, have complete control over the creation of of money in any given nation they reside in. They control the economics of a country through expanding and contracting the money supply, causing bull and bear markets respectively. These private companies quite literally have a monopoly on the money creation industry of a country.

But aren’t companies sued if they are considered monopolies? Microsoft in the 1990s comes to mind. Yet Microsoft and Bill Gates are mere drops in the bucket compared to how rich the people behind the Federal Reserve are. The extreme rich people, ie: Money Changers, lobby/bribe/etc all political parties in the United States so that no matter the political outcome, a debt-based currency presides. We watch our politicians debate over one budget cut versus another. Cuts for the military. Cuts for social programs. Increases for the military. Increases for social programs. The Money Changers do not care which wins or loses. Either way, as long as we are in a debt-based society, the Money Changers win. This is a concept most people do not know. And this is something most people should know. There is a solution. But first, let’s touch on debt-based currencies.

What is a debt-based currency?


Simple. The United States currency is based on bonds, which are based on the good faith of the United States government, produced by the Federal Reserve, then lent out to the banks. These banks then, utilizing fractional reserve banking, lend out that money at 10x the quantity of the original amount lent out. And what makes matters worse is that the big banks like JP Morgan Chase Bank NA, Citibank National Assn, Bank of America NA, and Goldman Sachs Bank NA, all get money from the Federal Reserve, and, almost certainly, own the Federal Reserve as well. The absolutely crazy part is that these big banks lend out the money at 10x to people in the form of loans, usually as mortgages. These elitists that own the banks collect interest on these loans, making money. What is worse is that the United States government has a deficit, which is quite literally a debt owed to the Federal Reserve. This debt requires interest payments. These payments go to the same people that own the big banks. The payments come


from federal income tax of the American people based on their wages and businesses. This absolute dominance and control is, by nature and definition, a monopoly. It is a monopoly on the money supply owned by one independent and private company. All the American citizens are paying for it. This sounds like a good deal for the elitist rich Money Changers and a rather bad deal for the majority of tax paying citizens (and even the non-tax paying people) in the United States.

Whoever Controls the Banks Controls the Money System


“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations will grow up around them and will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
-Thomas Jefferson,

Third President of the United States


Debt-Free Currency


Do we need a debt-based currency? No. Not in the slightest. The United States Constitution gives the authority to the U.S. government to issue its own currency, without debt. A note in the form of debt is backed by the good faith of the United States government. A bill based on no debt is still backed by the good faith of the United States government. Either suffices since all a bill is, is a medium of exchange for goods and services, ie: the definition of money. No matter the article used as money, Dollars, Euro, or as the ancients Aztecs used, Chocolate, the point is simple: Money is a means to an end of getting what we want. The concept of having money in the form of debt is simply a means for the Money Changers to get an ends of revenue and income based on that debt. The only reason we operate with debt in such a fashion is because the Money Changers use their wealth, mostly acquired through this debt-based system, to continue having a debt-based system, by their monetary influence and control over our governmental officials and politicians. The point is that a debt-based currency means higher taxes on people to pay down government debt. A non-debt based currency means less taxes because no interest has to be paid for that government debt, therefore reducing the cost. The answer seems a simple choice for the majority of the population.

“It is not our own citizens only who are to receive the bounty of our Government. More than eight millions of the stock of this bank are held by foreigners… Is there no danger to our liberty and independence in a bank that in its nature has so little to bind it to our country? … Controlling our currency, receiving our public moneys, and holding thousands of our citizens in dependence would be more formidable and dangerous than a military power of the enemy. If government would confine itself to equal protection, and, as Heaven does its rain, shower its favor alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing. In the act before me there seems to be a wide and unnecessary departure from these just principles.”

- Andrew Jackson, in his veto against renewing the Second Bank of the United States Charter

This quote is a portion of a speech by Andrew Jackson, the Seventh President of the United States, in opposition of a fiat currency based on debt by a centrally held bank. This was the second central bank to come into power in the United States. And Andrew Jackson would not see it survive knowing the dangers. Andrew Jackson realized a central bank was controlled by the Money Changers, of international banking decent. In other words, foreigners of elitist wealth and greed would be in control of the entire United States economy money supply. Unfortunately for the American people, this was not the end of Money Changers attempts to conquer America through a centralized banking system. The exact same bank did succeed in 1913 and was named the Federal Reserve.

Abraham Lincoln, the Sixteenth President, attempted to create a non-debt based currency known today as the Greenbacks. This was a very welcomed form of currency by the American people as a currency.

Abraham Lincoln

“The government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credit needed to satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of consumers. The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of government, but it is the government’s greatest creative opportunity. By the adoption of these principles… the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity.”

- Abraham Lincoln, the Sixteenth President of the United States


Lincoln had it right. There was no need for a central bank. By having the U.S. government in control of its own money, the taxpayers would therefore be in control of their own money supply. By being in control, American citizens would have the ability to determine what social services they wished to pay taxes on, and how much those taxes should be. The currency known as Greenbacks that Abraham Lincoln had created was becoming widespread, at the time, and a danger to the Money Changers. Ironically and coincidentally (though in no ways being claimed in this writing as deliberate), Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. No longer alive, he could not stop the Money Changers from working to remove the Greenbacks from circulation. This left the American people dangerously open to attack by the Money Changers’ debt-based currency.


Money System Conclusions


Why is this debt-free currency not used in our money system in today’s society? Because money is power. And the elitist that control the debt-based currency have power. Every time a war is fought, aid is sent overseas, a house rebuilt, a mortgage drawn, a car loan issued, or any form of government spending or bank-based loan is created, debt is made. Interest is owed on that debt, and the Money Changers make money as a result.

These banks have an insane amount of money in assets and risk in the form of derivatives.
As of June 30th, 2011:

Bank Name Total Assets Total Derivatives
JP Morgan Chase Bank NA


CitiBank National Assn


Bank of America NA


Goldman Sachs Bank USA



Total risk of derivatives of these four financial institutions:

Before reading on. Go back to that chart and just look at those numbers. Read them aloud. That amount of money is, quite literally, insane. It is almost incomprehensible to contemplate how much money that actually is to have invested in the markets. To simplify the definition of a derivative: A derivative is something that is based on another source. Therefore, the derivative money is based on the asset money. These banks “create” that value based on the assets, even though it is virtual money that does not technically exist.

The next closest bank is HSBC Bank USA National Assn with $195,000,000 in total assets and $3,916,173,000,000. A huge number, but not even remotely close to the top contenders. It seems rather apparent that if one had to guess which banks own the Federal Reserve that one could guess correctly. This is public information. This information and more can be found on the Comptroller of the Currency Administrator of National Banks web site in this report.

People, like you, need to spend their time to fix our society. Everything you do matters! Whether protesting, making phone calls, hours or minutes passing this information on to family, friends, and coworkers, or simply clicking a “facebook like” on this page helps.

The key is do something. Anything. As long as it is legal of course. The United States Constitution allows the U.S. government to issue its own currency debt-free. The Federal Reserve swindled the American people and should be sued in the name of the people by the federal government to take back our stolen wealth.

One could even go so far as to properly audit Fort Knox and discover where all the gold went that was illegal confiscated in 1933 from the American people. Getting that gold back through the legal court systems would also be an ideal solution.

Get our gold back. Bring back a debt-free currency. No interest payments for a government deficit means lower income tax. Get our economy back on track. Support Equality. That is the most viable and direct solution to our economy to bring power, money, and the American Dream back to the American people.

In fact, if the United States government called for an audit and open books of the Federal Reserve, the true owners of the privately controlled central bank would be discovered. Imagine if the owners did turn out, as widely known and accepted, to officially be the major banks listed above (meaning the owners of the banks listed above). The national debt as of October 2011 is 14,868,218,296,426.05. Through the “magic” of fractional reserve banking and derivative risks on assets, the total the above banks have invested in the open market is $235,104,741,000,000. The U.S. debt is but a fraction compared to the money these banks have invested off of non-existing, digital money. Capturing the debt-based stolen wealth back from these individuals would easily pay off the entire Federal government debt, and then some.

Remember, we have been living in the United States under this system since 1913. Before that, the people using this system had been trying to take over for centuries, and had already solidified themselves internationally centuries before that. There is no need for overnight action. Expecting to take back our country could take years. Slow and careful planning to retake back our own society, economy, and freedoms must be done together, realizing it will take time. Change won’t happen over night. The key to change is simple:

It all starts with you. Today.

Take the time to educate your family, friends, coworkers, and strangers. It may seem trivial, but for every extra Facebook like, facebook share, twitter link, google plus posting, email sent, conversation started referencing and linking to this post, will bring us all one step closer to freedom of knowledge, and freedom for ourselves from those in control of our money. Thank you for taking the time for reading, learning, and sharing.

Want to know more? Read about the United States debt and how much interest in fees are charged to the Federal government, and, as a result, the United States taxpayers.

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There are two major points we wish to make:

(1) Prosperity through peace, freedom, and knowledge. This is what our posts strive to achieve. Our goal is to educate and inform. You make the decisions on how you wish to interpret that information. In no way do we encourage any illegal, unlawful, violent acts that could endanger yourself, your loved ones, and others. There are many safe and peaceful ways to utilize the information we have put forth. Please exercise only those peaceful solutions. And above all, Think before you act, speak your mind, share your thoughts, and spread the word. If something doesn’t seem right, question it. Because it probably isn’t.

(2) We have, like you may have or are trying to get in this difficult economy, a job. What we do is run the business as described on this website. Our mission is quite simple: To redistribute wealth from the elitist rich to the general public in as fair pricing as possible while earning an income for ourselves. We could have started these posts on a separate website. So why didn’t we? We have no need or wish to hide. Ever heard of Standard & Poor’s (the S&P)? If you check out their website, you will see at the bottom of their page, “Copyright © 2011 Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC, a subsidiary of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.” In other words, the S&P, which is supposed to fairly grade everything from companies to countries, is actually owned by another company. Hiding self-interest behind self-interest of various private individuals is a shady business, in our opinion. We will have no part in that form of activity. After all, what’s wrong with being open about having a job and trying to make a little income? Therefore, the information we put forth is directly on the same website as our business, out in the open, so you can see exactly what we do fully, from our thoughts, to our mission, and our income source.

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