Posts Tagged 'penny'

Copper Penny Sorting versus Copper Penny Buying

Copper Penny Sorting
Copper Penny Buying


To sort, or not to sort: copper pennies.

Copper pennies are worth their weight in copper. In fact, so much so, that the copper value far exceeds the face value of the copper penny. Because of this, people are sorting pennies to pull out the copper ones.

This article is a guide, not a rule. Take what is presented here as thoughts to help you make your own determination on the best option for you.

The question here is should you sort pennies for copper or buy them:


The Penny Factors


There are a number of factors that go into whether the best way for you is to sort or buy. Not every person is the same. Medical conditions, transportation available, geography, finances, jobs, family, and a number of other factors play a role.

To simply, we have deemed all these various things and more into variables of a math equation that you can calculate to determine whether sorting or buying is the best route for you. The only way to really do this is to remove the human equation by turning all human factors and non-human factors into the following one term:



Penny Time


Time is important. Your time is really the only thing you have that is a constant figure to compare all else to. How much time is what changes based on the individual person, and that is what we are going to calculate here by diving into all of the factors that are added together to equal your time.

When we have accomplished that, your copper penny sorting time is either going to be less than or greater than your copper penny buying time. Logic would dictate that whichever requires less of your time is the route to go.

You are going to be asked to assign actual numbers to do this equation. If you aren’t sure, time yourself or take your best guess.

Assumption: We assume you are sorting pennies between copper pennies and zinc pennies to keep the copper cents and that you are doing so mechanically with machinery.

Another assumption: Calculate time in terms of months. Meaning if you are asked what the total transportation time is then calculate that in terms of how much time you spend monthly on transportation.

When asked how much time is involved in an activity, assign that time in terms of minutes and hours.

So let’s begin.


Copper Penny Sorting Time


Transportation time - how much time does it take you to get your pennies between the time it takes you to acquire pennies (placing an order online, driving to and from the bank or where ever, filling up your gas tank, waiting in a bank teller line, hauling in bags to your sorting location, etc).

Geography plays a huge role here because the ratio of zinc pennies to copper pennies changes based on you physical location in the United States.

You need to also include transportation time to dispose of any pennies you are not keeping (ie: zinc pennies), particularly if you have a pick up location and dump location (meaning you deposit your zinc pennies to a different location taking more time).

Equipment time - To sort out copper pennies by any reasonable scale, you need sorting equipment or machinery. This requires cost in purchasing, maintaining, and replacement parts.

Yes. This is a money number. But time = money. How much time does it take you to make the money you need to buy and upkeep this machinery? That is the time amount you will put here.

One way to calculate this would be to take the total cost and maintenance cost and divide it by your income source. Hourly wages make this easy. If you are retired, take your retirement income monthly, divide by 4.33 (number of weeks in a month), divide by 40 (assume working 40 hours a week). That gives you an hourly wage to calculate out your time needed in hours to purchase and maintain this machinery.

Note: Common question we are asked: Isn’t this a one-time expense so it isn’t really a long-term factor and should not be included?

Answer: Yes and no. Machines break all the time. You cannot make the assumption you will buy one machine and it will just work forever. Therefore, you need to incorporate this figure to be conservative in your equation. The point is to realistically determine numbers here. By being conservative, you are better ensuring you make the right decision.

If you choose to do the sorting yourself, you can always recalculate this equation based on updated costs involved in machinery and transportation.

Sorting Time

How long does it take you to sort coin. This is a tough one as sorting $100 is much different than $1,000 and certainly different than $100,000. You need to choose what your goal is. How much do you want to sort in a given month?

Pick what is a realistic amount as things always take longer than anticipated in this type of operation.

Include everything. Examples are: Cracking open rolls, placing coin in machinery, machinery jams, machinery cleaning, fixing errors and having to resort already sorted coin, double sorting if that is done, hand sorting through any of it, bathroom breaks (even washing hands due to handling dirty coin), and any other time taken as a result of doing coin sorting you would not have normally done if you were not doing coin sorting (no matter how insignificant it may seem).

Depending on how you dispose of coin, you may also need to involve re-rolling coin or however else the receiving location requires your coin to be handled.


Take the total time and there you go. That’s how long it takes you, per month, to sort copper pennies. You’ll notice that sorting time is drastically different between individuals based on geography (how much total pennies do you need to sort to get X amount of copper pennies) and total copper penny goal (how many copper pennies are you actually trying to sort).

Copper Penny Buying Time


This one is easy to calculate.

How much money does it cost you, over face value, to buy copper pennies, for the same amount of copper pennies you stated above you were realistically going to sort monthly. Take that cost and divide it by your monthly income turned into an hourly wage. If retired, take your retirement income monthly, divide by 4.33 (number of weeks in a month), divide by 40 (assume working 40 hours a week). That gives you an hourly wage to calculate out your time needed in hours to buy copper pennies.

Why do we say over face value? Because getting copper pennies to sort still costs face value. Therefore, the face value time number for both sorting and buying are equal and negate themselves, mathematically not being relevant for comparison.

Yes, you could simply withdraw money from a savings account to buy them, however, the idea is to compare buying versus sorting, so you need to base this on income sources. If you do not have an income source, base your income amount on your previous income source.

Remember, the amount of hours you calculated is how much extra time you would have to work to buy copper pennies from a cost perspective.

The extra hours worked could mean having to pick up an extra day of work which means you should also add the time it takes to get to and from work. The idea here is not to take away from your already existing disposable income, but rather what it would cost in time to buy with additional disposable income.

The results


Only you know this answer. However, time and time again, it has been proven sorting just is not time efficient. People specialize in the areas they are good at and excel with what they are good at. They become efficient and accomplished because of this. Sure, hobby sorting can be fun. If fun is what you’re going for, that’s fantastic and we wish you the best. This article is on deciding which is more efficient from a time perspective.



Take care of yourself. Sorting coin involves lots of repetitive lifting of coin which can get heavy. Coin is also dirty and not only can you get dirt on your hands, but you can literally breathe in excessive dirt due to long exposure of coin sorting. Be safe. Your health is important!

Opportunity Cost


The main thing to take away here is opportunity cost. This means when given a choice between only doing either Option 1 or Option 2, you only get to choose one. Therefore, if you choose Option 1, your cost is that you no longer have the opportunity to do Option 2. And vice versa, if you choose Option 2, your cost is you no longer have the opportunity to do Option 1.

That is why time is a recommended fashion for choosing whether to sort copper pennies or buy copper pennies: Whichever route takes the least time means the less opportunity cost. Or rather, gives you more time to do other things.

Clearly, the more copper pennies you wish to sort, the vast amount more time it takes to do so. It is plausible that there is an inverse relationship where sorting smaller amounts such as $100 a week may be more beneficial to sort where as sorting thousands upon thousands is not practical.

After all, time equals money. So if you save time, you’re saving money.

Full Disclosure


We sell copper pennies. That means we have a vested interest in you buying copper pennies. That being said, our goal is for you to save money and save time. If you are in the vast minority of people that save both time and money by doing the sorting yourself, then we are happy to encourage you to continue to do what is in your best interest.

Just keep in mind your goals. If you are looking to seriously invest and prosper on copper pennies in numbers reaching over $100,000 then it may no longer be realistic to be able to personally sort and store copper pennies. At that point, buying may truly be your best option.

After all, we specialize in copper pennies and therefore, our ability to sort and process is very efficiently and extremely well priced in the market. Why compete when you can join.


Bins of Copper Pennies


Have questions? Contact us and we would be happy to help.


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Use the social media buttons below to share the knowledge and power of copper pennies.

Copper Penny Floor

Copper Penny Floor


Ever wanted to build a copper penny floor? You will need copper pennies. A lot of them.

This is the most obvious fact about building copper penny floors. However, most people underestimate the literal potential need for thousands of individual copper pennies needed.

We sell copper pennies as an investment to people of all investing levels across the country. This is because the copper value of a copper U.S. penny exceeds its face value by over 2x. Because of this, we sell at wholesale pricing, making it very affordable for you to buy your copper pennies for your artistic creation.

We do not offer any advice on how to build a copper penny floor for liability purposes and strongly encourage anyone attempting to do so do all proper research on safety and health before even beginning to attempt building a copper penny floor, copper penny tiles, or anything pertaining to copper penny floors.

Penny Bins


That being said, we do sell copper pennies as an investment. As you can see in the photograph, we have a lot of pennies that we sort. So if you need copper pennies, you’ve come to the right place.

Visit our buy copper pennies page to see pricing.

Cheap Copper Pennies

Cheap Copper Pennies


Cheap wholesale pricing when investing in commodities is critical to maximizing your return on your investment. You can take advantage of the best pricing available with cheap copper pennies on our buy copper pennies page under our products list guide.

Want to buy copper pennies by the ton? We can save you shipping cost by ordering by freight truck. Contact us for details.

The key is to do your research and actually start. You can see pricing for copper pennies here: Invest in Copper Pennies.

Questions? Contact us. We’d be happy to help answer any questions you may have.


Copper Penny Hoarders

Copper Penny Hoarders

Copper Penny Hoarding is a growing hobby. In fact, no longer is it a hobby, but an investment.

Many people think back to 1964 when silver coins were last minted and started to become minted in a clad or copper-based metal composition.

At the time, silver just began becoming worth more than the face value of the coins. Many people held onto these silver coins expecting them to rise in value due to their silver content. They were right.


What is copper penny hoarding


Copper penny hoarding is the act of collecting U.S. pennies dated 1982 and older made of copper. This is done because a copper penny is made of 95% copper and 5% zinc. The penny’s weight of copper far outweighs the face value of the copper penny, making it an ideal copper investment. Some people collect a few hundred dollars here and there. Others are stacking $50 bags upon $50 bags, filling rooms from floor to ceiling.

Copper Penny Bags Stacked

Copper is not very expensive per pound yet. This means that an investor can really buy up copper on the open market cheap. Since it’s illegal to melt pennies in the United States, you can buy copper pennies under copper price.

Copper Scrap .999 Pure Copper

Melt Copper Pennies: Not quite yet


It’s illegal to melt pennies and nickels in the United States. Why? Because the government knows there is serious value in these coins. As a result you can’t

quite turn your copper pennies into scrap like the photo. In fact, you’d be better off keeping them in penny form. This is because a penny is easily recognized by the global market for its guaranteed 95% copper purity. Like other coins of silver and gold, coins sold for metal value tend to fetch a higher premium due to their ease of recognition and potential numismatic value.

So it may be illegal to melt but it certainly is legal to hoard. Patience is a virtue. And to those that have patience hoarding copper pennies, may just have that virtue pay out big.

Copper Pennies… Tons Hoarded


Skip the baby steps and jump all in. That’s the mentality many have about taking advantage of the cheap copper penny prices right now. It’s very widely believed and anticipated that copper penny trade prices will rise dramatically once word gets around laws could change. People are buying up copper pennies by the ton.

1 ton copper pennies


If storage is an issue, you can always opt for insured storage options.

The key is to do your research and actually start. You can see pricing for copper pennies here: Invest in Copper Pennies.

Want to read more about copper pennies and the benefits of hoarding copper pennies? Here’s a few articles you can read:

How to Make Money off of Copper Penny Hoarding

How to Invest in Copper Bullion

Questions? Contact us. We’d be happy to help answer any questions you may have.


Pure Copper Investing

Pure Copper Investing

Copper investing needs to be catered to the individual. After all, everyone is different. Pure .999 copper bars may be right for you. Then again, so can .999 pure copper scrap and 95% copper pennies.

When in doubt on which to do, diversify and pick up a some of each. Sometimes the “show me” mentality is best by physically having and holding in your hands each type of potential copper investment to know exactly what you’d be getting.

Clearly, copper pennies of 95% purity are the most effective investment in copper price-wise. However, you can’t melt them, so don’t expect to get your return on your money immediately.

Copper bars of .999 purity are very traditional and usually have higher costs of copper per pound because of this. Most copper bars are also imprinted or stamped with various unimportant markings that increase the price while not increasing the value of the copper bar itself. Copper Bars 8 ounces

Copper Scrap .999 Pure Copper

.999 copper scrap is just as good as .999 copper bars in purity and, in actuality, is easier to use in an industrial setting as it’s broken down into smaller pieces than copper bars. However, smaller pieces means you won’t get that fort knox style “bricks” that copper bars can give in the traditional copper investing world.

Pure copper is a great investment in copper and copper bars and copper scrap will get you there. But if you’re looking for a cheap way to invest in the leading base metal copper; go with copper pennies.

Copper pennies are cheap and easily recognized. That means copper investors can buy crate loads by the ton. Not to mention copper pennies have a floor base value. After all, a penny is always worth at least a penny.

1 ton copper pennies


Take your pick on which form of copper works best for you with the links below. The best advice we can give: Look at all three, learn, contemplate, and choose what makes the most sense for you. Questions? Contact us. We would be happy to discuss copper investing in greater detail based on your individual needs.

Invest in .999 Copper Bars


Invest in .999 Copper Scrap


Invest in Copper Pennies


Bulk Wholesale Copper Pennies

Bulk Wholesale Copper Pennies Sale Cheap Limited Offer


Sorry, this sale ended already (we sold out very quickly).

For bulk wholesale pricing. Visit our buy copper pennies page to see pricing. You can buy by the ton to save a lot of money when buying in bulk. This is because we freight ship. Freight shipping saves us both time and money: So we pass those savings on to you. Go here to see details on buying by the ton:

Invest in Copper Pennies


To buy in bulk via freight with our current copper penny sale bulk pricing you can go here for details:

Bulk Copper Pennies Sale


You are also more than welcome to contact us if you have any questions.

Penny Cost 2012 Boosts Copper Penny Investing

Penny Cost 2012 Boosts Copper Penny Investing


With an exponential growth of public awareness surrounding the high cost of minting the U.S. penny (see chart below), the U.S. copper penny investing market has boomed.

U.S. copper pennies (made of 95% copper and 5% zinc) were minted mid-1982 and before. The copper metal value of the copper penny means that not only will the coin never be worth less than one cent (face value of a penny), the physical real metal value of the coin is worth about 2.5 cents and growing.

As more people have come to the realization of the value in copper pennies, demand for copper pennies is on the rise and continues to prosper. When investing in large sums of copper pennies, the added copper metal value makes for huge gains as the leading and most popular base metal in the world.

Since U.S. law makes it illegal to melt down copper pennies, this copper investment sells under copper spot price, making it much cheaper to take position in the commodities copper market than alternatives like copper bars and copper rounds while retaining the same long-term benefits.

The key fact about copper pennies: ‘They don’t make them anymore’ - supply can only go down while investors buy them up. Supply and demand economics suggest that since demand is rising and supply is falling, prices will inevitably rise as a result.

Read more on How to Invest in Copper Bullion

Figures are in U.S. Cents Sourced from the U.S. Mint
cost to make penny

Invest in Copper Pennies


Avoid Short-Term Copper Futures Risk

Avoid Short-Term Copper Futures Risk


Copper prices, like other metals, fluctuate in price. This can be due to a wide birth of reasons from world demand, internationally imposed tariffs, bull & bear markets, to controversial corporate commodities price manipulation.

There’s a key to avoiding the short-term risk of copper futures investing. Rather than bidding on copper price in the stock market on a prediction of price rising or falling, you can buy physical copper significantly below copper market price so the risk of your investment is heavily avoided.

The key is investing in copper as an inflation beating commodity that is a base metal rather than precious metal. As a base metal, copper is known to be a necessary component in industries such as construction and machinery as well as other industries like electronics. As the world’s third most well used base metal, you have a safe long-term bet that copper will rise in value.

Understanding the value in a base metal demand and use proves the value in investing. To avoid the futures risk of short-term price fluctuations, invest in copper pennies below copper spot price. Copper pennies, minted by the United States Mint, are made of 95% copper and 5% zinc, making their intrinsic copper metal value over 2.5 times greater than their face value.

Of course, you could invest in copper bars, copper rounds, or other investment-grade forms of copper. As an investor (investment buyer), you are looking for the highest return in relation to safety for your wealth (risk versus reward).

As an investment products seller (investment product seller does not mean your investment broker but rather the company that is selling the product your broker suggests buying), coining investment terms surrounding investment products that are more expensive (cost more for less product) yields greater profit and return for the investment products seller. Therefore, investment grade copper products will be more expensive to the investor.

Your goal is to find the best investment product that suits your needs. Copper pennies are the ideal copper investment for wealth security in commodities. The best part about investing in copper pennies is you gain clear market recognition because pennies are easily distinguishable and recognized with guaranteed 95% copper purity by the United States Mint. Your copper pennies even hold their own insurance policy on their value. After all, a penny is worth at least penny.

Invest in copper pennies. Do some research on pricing before buying. Most importantly:

Contact Us for investing in copper pennies for a serious financial portfolio advantage over short-term copper futures risk. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Give us a call at (302) 265-3677.


copper pennies

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Use the social media buttons below to share the knowledge and power of copper pennies.

Rarest Penny Sells over $1 Million at Auction

Rarest Penny Sells over $1 Million at Auction


The elusive extremely rare U.S. one cent coin minted in 1792 has officially sold for just over $1 million. There are only 14 known survivors in existence. The coin is known to be a prototype, being one of the first pennies ever minted.

The penny was auctioned off at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center, however, bidding also was permitted via the internet.

Want to search through unsearched pennies to see if you can find your own rare penny? Buy copper pennies today directly from us.


Buy Copper Pennies


copper pennies

Know someone who may be interested?

Use the social media buttons below to share the knowledge and power of copper pennies.

Pennies Worth Money

Pennies Worth Money


copper pennies


All pennies are worth money. At least one cent. But what about the truly valuable ones? In bulk, copper pennies (made of 95% pure copper) are worth over 2.5 cents each. That makes copper pennies an ideal copper investment when buying by the pound or ton.

You can search pennies for valuable pennies. Buy copper pennies directly through us for finding valuable coins because our copper pennies are unsearched.


If you are looking for a resource for individual penny value of pennies worth money then we recommend The Lincoln Cent Resource as a guide.

Know someone who may be interested?

Use the social media buttons below to share the knowledge and power of copper pennies.


Wheat Cents Unsearched

Wheat Cents Unsearched

Search through unsearched wheat cents to find rare coins. Test your luck with our wheat pennies sourced across the entire country today!

Read More: Unsearched Wheat Cents

Copper Nickel Investing

copper nickels investing

Low-risk investing is wise for any long-term investor looking to have gains while preserving wealth. Nickels offer a great solution for low-risk tangible investing.

Read more: Copper Nickel Investing


pure copper scrap .999 copper bars

Industrial-grade pure copper provides traditional short-term, physical assets copper holdings. Invest in .999 pure copper bars or .999 copper scrap for commodity diversification.

Read More: Copper Bar Investing | .999 Copper Scrap

copper pennies
American Numismatic Association

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