Contact Coin Collecting Enterprises

We welcome all questions, small or large, simple or complicated. Drop us a line and we will do our best to answer in full.

Your best bet to reach us is by email at

Give us a call or text us at (302) 265-3677. This is a Google Voice phone number so if it acts a little differently than a normal phone line, don’t be alarmed and feel welcome to leave us a detailed voice mail. Email is often a very simple way to get a hold of us quickly.

You may do so by filling out the form towards the bottom of this page to contact us or simply email us at

When calling please leave a clear phone number in your voice mail so we can return your call.

Got a question?
No problem.

Comments or questions are welcome.

Contact Form
* indicates required field

Hours of Operation:

We are a wholesale organization. There is no public brick and mortar location for security reasons, so we do not have set hours of operations.

Please be respectful to the fact that we are based in Delaware which is Eastern Standard Time.
Calling Monday - Friday, between the hours of 10am EST to 6pm EST is the best chance of reaching us.

The easiest way to reach us is to email us (you can use the form to the left to do so) , especially if you wish to leave us a message before of after those times.

Call / Email Back Time Frame:

Usually you will hear back from us in a matter of hours or even minutes. Though we do strive to respond quickly, we do not outsource phone calls or emails. There are no 800 numbers or third party care lines of a big corporation to make you jump through hoops or wait on hold forever. We respond and answer to all inquiries ourselves, so it may take up to 72 hours to respond based on our availability and the volume of questions and requests.

If you called and left a voice mail and we did not return your call, then there must have been a bad phone connection and your phone number was not recorded properly. Feel welcome to call again at your leisure to reach us or leave a phone number a second time. It gets quite noisy in our warehouse so we do not always get to our phones in time to pick up. But rest assured, we return all phone calls. So if you haven’t heard back, something went wrong. Call us again.