Copper prices may be down, but they certainly are not out! So why should you not give give up on copper pennies? Not just because they have a floor value of one-cent, but because you’re in it for the long haul.
Copper pennies have the advantage of the face value, metal content, and numismatic value. Perhaps one day, you can search them for rare pennies. But rare pennies are hard to find. And frankly, you can sell wheat cents as unsearched, so why not eventually copper memorial cents? or for that matter, the new pennies made of zinc.
Ultimately, copper pennies are a long-term investment in the unknown future. Copper is a useful metal. And pennies can be spent for currency. Cashing in now would be ludicrous. After all, if copper prices are declining, we are entering deflation or stagnation. These are signs that can lead to inflation and hyperinflation.
Signs that show hyperinflation include events that are happening in Greece, and even the United States with repeated quantitative easing and equity buying programs. Don’t give up on copper pennies as a safe guard for all of these events.
Either you get the copper value greater than the face value by an exponential amount from failed economies, or, eventually, with the economies around the world doing fine, you get vast benefit of numismatic value out of the copper pennies.
Simply put, you win as long as you don’t give up and cash out on a down swing. When in doubt, stack more and diversify.